My second pick for the series is ‘Blessing of the Hands.’ There’s no real official record of who wrote it, oddly enough, but it’s most associated with Francis Reilly, who’s actually an Irish man, from Cavan! (The most romantic of counties!) So, for the sake of patriotism, we’ll go ahead and give him the credit! It’s another lovely piece about Love and it’s always nice to hear when a couple are nervously holding hands about to say those amazing words that will change their lives forever. Personally, when filming a wedding, I tend to focus a lot on my couples holding hands. Every couple holds hands differently, almost like a unique fingerprint that’s totally different for everyone. There can be that awkward moment when you see each other for the first time, nerves firing like some kind of crazy firework shows, and it all settles when you finally hold each others hands, take a breath and relax knowing your with the one you love, and who’s hand you want to hold for the rest of your life.
Blessing of the Hands (Non-Religious Ceremony)
“These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours, as together you build your future. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, And with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will countless times wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow, And as in today, tears of joy. These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children, The hands that will help you to hold your family as one. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it.
And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged, Will still be reaching for yours, Still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch.”
That’s it guys and girls, there are loads more ideas for some amazing wedding readings in the blog, and if you have any more ideas, feel free to get in touch with them too! If you’d like to know more, feel free to reach out to me, but for now, have an amazing day, enjoy planning your big day, and enjoy the wedding, and enjoy married life even more!